Sunday, March 9, 2014

This can be your good deed for the day!

Hey y'all, my good friend Spike Gillespie is the author of the blog Meditation Kicks Ass, in which she skillfully navigates the internal landscape of distraction, grief, terror, anxiety, love and gratitude. You know, that basics. She has just launched a Kickstarter campaign to help get her on her way to transforming the insights she's learned through the past year of her dedicated meditation practice into an honest-to-god book that we can all curl up on the couch with while eating an entire pecan pie and some jelly beans. Or whatever the fuck you guys eat while reading good books. I don't judge. Anyway, LET'S HELP HER DO IT! 

Because Spike is (aptly) known as the Human Facebook, many of you may already know her, and for you guys I have no need to explain her awesomeness. You already get it. For those of you who may not have heard of her before, I suggest you click the Meditation Kicks Ass link up there and do a little digging around that blog. I dare you to not find yourself within her words and be highly entertained. I double dog dare you. You can also hop on over to her other delightful blog about Man College, wherein she regales us with adventures of Thursday afternoons spent at a tattoo shop learning all there is to learn about manly things. And sandwiches. And fake dog poop. And one time the baby Jesus. In short, if you don't check it out, you're just… you're just not experiencing the fantastically hilarious and well-rounded existence that is literally at your fingertips. Seriously. It's time to start living your life, people. 

Every little bit helps, and she's worth every penny. Go on over and check it out, and spread the word if you can. Feel free to send a link to this page, or just one directly to any of Spike's pages, to anyone you think might wanna help. Remember, with Kickstarter, you don't have to pay until the campaign ends, so go ahead and pledge away, even if you still have another week or so before you get your illicit drug-smuggling funds back from the money launderers. You've got until April 3rd, and that's plenty of time even by the agonizingly slow standards of money laundering. I've heard. Not that I know that for sure. Just guessing. Wink, wink. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Like A Toothache

You will always be
farther away from me
than my losses

they are like
a tooth in my mouth 
you cannot be closer
to me than that 
than they are

what is lost to me
around my skull
makes ping-pong noises
that drown you out
at every hour 

nothing is close to me
you are all
too far gone 

I spend my days
tonguing my gums
distracted by
the ache inside me
hovering just above the hum
that is
everything else

what was becomes
the absence of what was
all there is
a tooth that can't be